餐厅 & 购物

餐厅s in Greenlee County are generally family-owned enterprises and most fall under the category of “Diners”. 的se homey establishments are friendly and you will find their menus list Mexican and 美国 fare. Here you will find some the tastiest Mexican food dishes anywhere. 但 if that’s not your thing, some mighty fine hamburgers and other traditional 美国 options can be ordered. And … you may find the prices are a bit more reasonable than in the city.
Also see the following for more info on these restaurants:
克利夫顿,AZ 85533
美国 & 墨西哥餐馆,
307 Coronado Boulevard (US 191), 克利夫顿 (928) 865-3328

Los Mendoza Taco店,
355 N Coronado Boulevard (US 191), 克利夫顿 (928) 865-1010

克利夫顿酒店 & 酒吧

还看到: #Dining
美国(Traditional) Cuisine
314 Church Lane, 邓肯 (York), (928) 687-1517

hi合乐8手机版下载高尔夫球场  & Country Club (Membership not required)
510 Country Club Road, 邓肯 (York), (928) 687-1099

206 老西部 Highway US 70, 邓肯 (928) 359-1632


米歇尔的酒吧 & 烧烤
4500 US 191, 更多的nci (928) 865-9050

更多的nci Lanes,  Bowling Lanes,
餐厅 & 酒吧
51 Burro Alley, 更多的nci (928) 865-4343

的 Miner’s Diner 餐厅 & 酒吧
106 Plaza Loop, 更多的nci (928) 865-3800

R & R 披萨 Express,
披萨 & 午餐自助餐
106 Plaza Loop, 更多的nci (928) 865-2200

Starbucks Coffee Company, Seattle-Based Coffeehouse
438 Plaza Drive, 更多的nci (928) 865-6598

更多的nci Motel, Single Jack 餐厅 & 酒吧
(All-inclusive Community Center Passes with Stay)
261 Burro Alley, 更多的nci (928) 865-4111

Hannagan草地 Lodge, Quiet, Serene & 和平
23150 US 191 Alpine (Hannagan草地), (928) 339-4370
购物 in Greenlee County has its challenges but it will also reveal some “gems”.
购买日用品, 更多的nci hosts the only supermarket in the county, 岜沙的, the only chain hardware store, 王牌, 也是唯一一家! 克利夫顿 has a Family Dollar, Dollar General, Circle K, a NAPA Auto Parts, and a local liquor store. In 纽约谷 there are the convenience stores of Sexton’s Country Store and the Apache Grove 酒吧 & 杂货店. And in 邓肯 you can find another Family Dollar and two convenience stores, the Outpost and the Chapparal Mini-Mart.
但是… 如果你想 商店 … southern Greenlee County has many small,
locally-owned 商店s that have been often described with the ‘Q’ words — Quaint and Quircky. 的se words are compliments as they accurately
describe both the unique nature of the 商店s and boutiques here, 而且是独一无二的, 独一无二的, not-found-elsewhere items for sale. 的
entreprenuers here possess an attitude of pride and independence and
want the products they offer to reflect that attitude and the character of
这个地区. So the works of regional artists and craftsmen abound. 但
come, 商店, and discover what other “gems” might await you.
n event that features some of these 商店s is “第二个星期六 在蔡斯溪”. From 4 pm to 8 pm on the second Saturday of every month, the
Business Association of Chase Creek Arizona and the Town of 克利夫顿
close part of Historic Chase Creek Street to traffic and all the businesses
on the street extend their hours of business. 其他供应商和生活
musicians also set up on the street during this time. 别忘了
stop by the Greenlee County Historical Museum that’s upper end of the
封闭的街道. Come stroll among historic buildings and enjoy the
businesses and vendors of Chase Creek St!
奶奶的阁楼,古董 & 收藏品
243 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿 (520) 865-2011

Chase Creek Marketplace, Hand Crafted Gifts & 艺术
215 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿 (928) 865-1251

Studio Twenty-Two Six, Quality Salon Services
226 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿 (928) 865-0226

Blessed and Obsessed Boutique; Gifts, Jewelry, Lotions, etc.
221 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿 (928) 865-2000

Headframe Apothecary, Boutique of CBD oils, organic coffees, teas,  spices
225 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿 (928) 322-3871

AVintage 克利夫顿, 收藏品 and 更多的
291 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿 (928) 292-0070

书籍、玩具 & 珍妮特报道
292 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿
299 Chase Creek Street, 克利夫顿, (928) 865-2056



Country Bling Boutique, Accessories, Clothing & 更多的
54 Frontage Road, 邓肯 (York), (928) 432-2557

Rock-A-Buy岩石 & 礼品,摇滚旅游
809 老西部 Highway US 70, 邓肯 (928) 215-9912

Germaine’s Emporium  Antiques, 收藏品, Tack, etc.
419 老西部 Highway US 70, 邓肯 (928) 359-2621

乡村时尚,艺术画廊 & 礼品精品
205 SE 老西部 Highway 70, 邓肯 (928) 359-1955
